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Leaf of Life: The beneficial herb plant you never knew you needed ... until now.



Yuh have a fever? Headache? Sinus problem? I remember being given this as a child when I had these ailments. The beautiful evergreen leaf of life was an effective fever reducer for many Jamaican kids growing up in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. Now when you have the flu they load you up with pills. But here is an alternative that is just as effective without the side effects of modern medicine.

We call it 'leaf of life' but it's known by other names. Native to Madagascar, it's also called 'miracle leaf', 'life plant', 'Goethe plant', the 'Mexican love plant', but scientists call it Bryophyllum pinnatum. How it reach yah, mi nuh know, but the plant can usually be found in any local Jamaican garden, sometimes not even planted there, but it is a resilient plant that only needs a little water for it to take root and spring up. It can also be stored as a potted plant.

Suh weh it good fah?

Respiratory Problems be gone

The 'leaf of life' plant has been used to treat respiratory illness such as asthma, colds, coughs, shortness of breath and bronchitis. It is usually brewed for the purpose of a hot drink --tea, but it can be blended in juices or eaten raw. Yes, I had the privilege of chewing it raw. Not that tasty but instantly effective against a pesky cough. Mi fi tell yuh! My mom would also break off a few leaves, wash them and make sure they are damp/moist with water, or she would wash them then place them in a little bowl with a small amount of water and then use something to beat the leaf or leaves into a pulp, squeeze out the green juice that comes from it and give me as a child to drink. It clears the phlegm very quickly.

So there is anecdotal as well as scientific evidence that the plant does help the respiratory system. But did you know that leaf of life plant has other benefits?

Yes man!
It was recently discovered that this wonder plant is a great remedy for kidney stones! Mh-hmm. True thing.

Oxalate Reducer

A study published in 2014 revealed that rats given treatment with extract of the plant were less likely to develop kidney stones. The study showed that those rats given the treatment had reduced levels of urine oxalates, and those oxalates are typically what cause kidney stones.

Other recent studies have also indicated a benefit to pregnant women. One study conducted on pregnant women suffering from sleep disorders were given 350 mg tablets that contained the miracle leaf extract. At the end of the study, the women reported experiencing fewer instances of waking up in the night and an improved quality of sleep. Thankfully, this study noted there were no adverse effects on either mother or fetus.

The Diabetics' friend

Persons with diabetes there is hope for you too! 

Here dis!

Further studies conducted on rats with diabetes (wild uh? Rats with diabetes, go figure) also suggest that Bryophyllum pinnatum may reduce the effects of diabetes. The study, conducted in 2008 gave these diabetic rats dosages of either 200, 400, or 800 mg per kg body weight per day of the plant extract.

What did they find?

Surprisingly, they discovered that all of the dosage levels proved useful in lowering blood sugar levels in these furry patients. They also found that the treatment was effective in reducing triglyceride levels. Yeah, triglyceride, the same thing that affects your cholesterol. And if you think this was a fluke, another study done in 2014 also found the same results.


Leaf of life reportedly has anti-microbial compounds that benefit the skin and has been used to treat minor injuries. Applying the pulp to injuries helps to ease pain, promote faster healing, and prevent infection, according to several studies. It is such a great compound on the skin that several pharmaceutical/cosmetology companies are researching ways to use the plant in their products.

Skin care

As a matter of fact, a Canadian company called Clarins boasts the use of leaf of life extract in their skin care line. The products are marketed for normal to dry skin. For one product called Hydra-Essentiel Bi-phase Serum - Normal to Dry Skin it is said to "refine the sin's texture and smooth its surface" making the skin appear "radiant and vibrant" [*].

So the 'leaf of life' plant is not nuh likkle pyah pyah plant!

And if you have the plant growing in your yard, I'll bet we an get the same or even better results from the plant pulp or juices without having to pay for it.

Weh you seh?

Will you be drinking some leaf of life tea for respiratory health or will you be using it to reduce triglycerides in your blood or for a feeling of well-being knowing you are sipping on 'miracle leaf'.

Thanks for reading. See you next time for an interesting dive into our local herbs here in Jamaica.

Leaf of life plant growing in my back yard.

  1. Oxalates or Oxylic acid is type of compound found mostly in plants that make it difficult for the body to extract essential nutrients from vegetables and also hinder the absorption of essential minerals such as calcium. Examples of high oxalate foods are green vegetables, nuts and grains. It is a known cause of kidney stones.
  2. * Hydra-Essentiel Bi-phase Serum - Normal to Dry Skin,,
  3. Loop Lifestyle. Botanical Roots: Why you should use leaf of life,
  4. Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood that your body uses for energy. However it can be dangerous at high levels and in combination with high LDL cholesterol levels and low HDL levels (good cholesterol). In a situation like that there is the increased risk of heart attack and other health problems.


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