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Rice Bitters: The powerful detoxifier!

An exotic plant native to Southern and Southeast Asia (found predominantly in India, Sri Lanka and Vietnam), Andrographis paniculata, popularly known as rice bitters, is not a widely used plant in Jamaica. To its enthusiasts however, this plant is the perfect body detox solution. 

Before we go any further we must first lay the foundations of understanding what is a detox/detoxing. Why we need to detox every now and then and some of the benefits of detoxing.

First of all what is a detox/detoxing? 🤓

What is detoxing?

‌Detoxing as a process is called detoxification or detoxication, and is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from the human body (Wikipedia).

Why do we need the occasional detox?

The detoxing process is mainly carried out by the liver. Sometimes however, the body can experience an overload of toxic build up which renders the liver ineffective in properly filtering and flushing toxins. Toxins can be derived from food we eat (pesticides, hormones, etc), the air we breathe (carbons), cosmetics, household chemicals and even medication (Grant, 2017).

A detox therefore, assists the body especially the liver in efficiently flushing harmful toxins out, if there is an overload. Afterwards, the body's systems will be better able to filter out waste and harmful chemicals helping you to feel and look better (detoxes are great for skin care).

Four Purposes/Benefits of Detoxification
  1. Weight loss - If you're looking to lose weight quickly, a detox may be the answer as it helps to flush your body of toxins enabling better results from your weight loss regimen
  2. Skin care - A detox can help eliminate chemicals from the body that cause an allergic reaction in your skin or as mentioned above clean up and clear up substances in the body that inhibits its proper functioning and causes skin to look dull, full of blemishes and acne.
  3. Improves digestion and eases constipation - A good detox drink or regimen provides the digestive system with healthy nutrients and works as a great laxative too, relieving constipation and freeing your digestive functioning promoting improved appetite (Sengupta, 2017).
  4. Improves liver function - Detoxifiers strengthen the liver, which is responsible for processing the blood that passes through that organ. Bitter herbs such as rice bitters are important in removing poisons and excess bile.

Now let's get back to our main topic: rice bitters.

Rice bitters is an extremely bitter herb. Did I say bitter? I meant bittah!

It is believed to have found its way to Jamaica when Vietnamese refugees, fleeing the 1960s Vietnam war, came to Jamaica.

For centuries, rice bitters also called King of Bitters was used in India, Thailand, China and other Asian countries to eliminate toxins and cure fevers (S.M., 2016).

I first learned about the herb from my husband. He told me that his father used it as a "wash out" to cleanse the blood of impurities. Also, his dad used it to stimulate the immune system to heal cuts or sores quickly. Hubby has probably drunk it a few times as a child, starting from 6 years old! It was brewed as a tea and given to him.

Disclaimer: Herbalists do not recommend that children drink the tea though. So nuh badda seh me seh yuh fi gi yuh kids. I said no such thing! Just giving anecdotal information. Ah-oh!

Does he drink it now! Sometimes, once in awhile.  Unfortunately, there isn't much of the plant around anymore where he used to live. They used to grow in the front and back of his family's yard, but he can only find a few plants these days. Maybe climate change has something to do with it. Don't know.

Hubby brought it home once (to our home). No, I didn't drink any of it. When I feel for a cleanse I use cerasee or aloe vera. Rice bitters is just too bittah. I digress...

The plant is good for treating flu, sinusitis, indigestion, heart conditions and anemia. According to a study done by the University of Pennsylvania, rice bitters is also good for toning the prostate, keeping it functioning and assists in urinary incontinence (Bulgin-Graham, 2010).

In fact, it cures diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, swollen lymph nodes, pneumonia, leprosy, sore throats, bronchitis, tuberculosis, coughs, chicken pox, headaches, inflammation, ear infection, mumps (S.M., 2016).

The herb is rich in potassium and essential oils and useful in restoring strength and vitality depleted by fatigue or stress (Bulgin-Graham, 2010).

It's a powerful blood purifier and contains immunity enhancing properties that strengthens the body's immune system.

According to the research by the University of Pennsylvania, rice bitters possesses elements that fight cancers, it also contains anti-viral, anti-bacterial properties. And get this, it's even shown to lower the viral load of the Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) in an infected person's blood! And yes, like my father in law believed, it is good for cuts and lesions on the skin (Bulgin-Graham, 2010).

The major organs involved in this filtration and detoxing process: the kidneys, liver, intestines, lungs and skin, benefit from rice bitters because it makes it easier on them to eliminate waste build-up thus protecting them from infection.

It is recommended that you use three (3) leaves or one teaspoon of the dried herb to make a cup of tea.


  1. Wikipedia. Detoxification. Last edited May 2020.
  2. Bulgin-Graham, A. Rice bitters is a medicinal herbal remedy for colds, mucous congestion as well as fevers. Rice Bitters: Bitter medicinal herbs. 2010.
  3. Grant, Donovan. Herbs for blood detox. 2017. All Woman Magazine. Jamaica Observer.
  4. Sengupta, Sushmita. 6 Wonderful Health Benefits of Detox Drinks. 2017.
  5. S.M. Herbs and Spices: King of Bitters-Andrographis paniculata. 2016.


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